Text to Speech conversion using Azure cloud services

10 min readFeb 16, 2021

This demo application was created as part of a training that I recently delivered. This application is conceptually similar to another demo available from AWS. I have rewritten the code to leverage Azure cloud platform. I also leveraged Azure API management as an API Gateway.

This demo application allows a user to submit a text string for text-to-speech conversion. Application asynchronously converts the text to audio using Azure Cognitive API. The user can later return to retrieve the converted audio files. Azure platform is still evolving. The platform may change by the time you come across this post and you may need to modify some features during your implementation.

All source code for this demo application can be downloaded from github repository at https://github.com/dgoyal1504/text_to_speech_azure.git

Following is the logical design of this implementation

Logical design

Logic flow

1. User submits a new text to speech conversion request through webform. This request contains the text and the voice to be used during conversion.

a. [1] POST request is directed to the tts API managed by Azure API management.

b. [2] API management directs call to the “post_tts_request” function app.

c. “post_tts_request” function app

i. [3] creates a new record in CosmosDB collection “posts” with three fields: text, voice and status (initial value “PROCESSING”)

ii. [4] adds a message in the azure service bus queue “posts”. Message body contains the ID of new CosmosDB record

d. [5] “Process_tts_request” function app is triggered by the message in the queue “posts”.

i. [6] Function app retrieves the corresponding record from the CosmosDB.

ii. [7] Function app invokes text to speech API supplying the text and the voice as the parameters.

iii. [8] Returned audio is stored in the “audio” bucket

iv. [9] CosmosDB record is updated with the URL of the audio file. Status code is updated to “UPDATED”

2. User submits a query through web form. This GET request contains only one field that can either be a post ID or “*”.

a. [1] Web action results in the invocation of the GET api exposed by API management.

b. [2] API management directs the call to the function app get_tts_request.

c. [3] Function app retrieves records from CosmosDB and returns to the user interface.

Following are the steps involved in this implementation. In case you are new to Azure, please refer to the Azure product documentation for step specific details. As I saw challenges with the documentation around few features of Azure API management, I will attempt to provide more details on that part of the implementation. Please note that this implementation was done as part of a training and is not production ready. Security, single signoff, throttling and lot more needs to be considered to make a production ready system.

Let us create the backend infrastructure and services.


The backend has been implemented using function apps. The source for the function apps can be downloaded from function_apps folder of source code repository. Wherever possible, the application configuration has been externalized to the environment variables. You must configure the values specific to your own environment.

You will also need to configure the CosmosDB, Service Bus and Storage Accounts. Following are the detailed steps.

1. If you don’t already have an Azure account create one.

2. Create a new resource group “<name your own resource-group>”. Make sure that you create all subsequent resources in this resource group and the location.

3. Create NOSQL Cosmos DB account “<Cosmos-DB-Account>”

4. After creation of the Cosmos DB account, go to settings and copy the “Primary connection String”. The value of the CosmosDB primary connection string will be used by function app code.

5. Create a collection “posts” in CosmosDB database “ttscollection” with shard key “_id” and storage capacity “unlimited”. Allow access from all networks. Optionally, under collection settings, configure a timeout of 1 hour. This will get rid of our old test data and reduce the Azure bill.

6. Create a service bus namespace <service-bus-namespace> at basic pricing tier.

7. Create a queue “posts”.

8. Create a storage account “<storage account>”

a. Using Storage explorer, create two BLOB containers. Configure “anonymous read access to blob”.

b. Container “www-tts” will contain static web server content.

c. Container “www-tts-audio” will be used to store audio file generated by the application.

d. Under “Settings->Access Keys” for this storage account, copy the content of “key” and “Connection String” for key1.

9. Configure Cognitive services. We will use these services for text to speech conversion. Create an account under “Home->Cognitive Services -> Marketplace”. Once created, click on “Resource management” and copy the value of Key1, Endpoint and Location. These values will be used later.

Back-end services

10. Create a “node.js 14 LTS” function app <tts-function-app> on Windows runtime

11. Configure following function app environment variables under “Settings->Configuration->Application settings”. We will refer to these environment variables in our function app code.

12. Download the function app source code from repository.

13. In a browser window navigate to https://<your function app name>.scm.azurewebsites.net/DebugConsole/?shell=powershell

a. Switch to c:\home\site\wwwroot directory

b. Edit package.json and copy content of package.json from the source code. This file lists node.js dependencies needed for our project.

c. Execute “npm install” under c:\home\site\wwwroot. This will result in installation of all node.js dependencies.

d. Create a folder “c:\home\site\wwwroot\shared” and upload the file “mongo.js”. This file contains mongo specific code shared by our function apps.

14. Create a new “Function” to handle new text to speech conversion requests:

a. Switch to Azure portal console for function app. Add a new HTTP triggered function “post_tts_request”. This function will accept a text to speech conversion request in a JSON message. Click o “Code and Test” link and copy the content of index.js from post_tts_request source folder.

b. This function retrieves “text” and “voice” inputs from the request, creates a new entry in CosmosDB with status “PROCESSING” and publishes a message in the service bus queue.

c. Test this function by providing following JSON input payload ‘{ “text” : “First request”, “voice” : “en-US-Guy24kRUS” }’. A successful execution will return a text string and also result in a new record in the CosmosDB.

15. Create a new “Function” to return status of the submitted requests:

a. From Azure function app console, add a new HTTP triggered function “get_tts_request”. This function will optionally accept ID of a previous request. Click on “Code and Test” link and copy the content of index.js from get_tts_request source folder.

b. This function queries the CosmosDB and returns the results.

c. Test this function by providing following inputs ‘{“postId” : “*”}’. A successful execution will return a JSON object containing list of earlier submitted requests.

16. Create a new “Function” to process the events in the service bus queue and invoke text to speech API.

a. From Azure function app console, add a new service bus message triggered function “process_tts_request”. Click on “Code and test” link and copy the content of index.js from process_tts_request source folder.

b. This function retrieves the request Id from the message body, queries corresponding CosmosDB record for the “text” and “voice” variables, invokes text to speech API, stores the converted audio to www-tts-audio folder, and finally updates to cosmodDB record status to “UPDATED”. The code also implements a TTL on the audio files. This will allow us to keep our azure bill under control.

c. Test this function by publishing a message to queue. Message body should contain the ID of an existing CosmodDB record. A successful execution will result in update of cosmosDB record to “UPDATED”.

Summary so far: At this point we have a working backend. We have two HTTP callable function apps. First function, HTTP triggered, post_tts_request, accepts two query parameters (text and voice) and returns a JSON object containing ID (postID) of the request. Second function, HTTP triggered, get_tts_request, accepts a postID in the body of the post and returns a JSON object containing records that match the query condition. Third function, queue triggered, process_tts_request calls Cognitive Speech API to convert the text and update the cosmosDB with the URL of converted audio file. All configuration has been externalized to environment variables. The Function app console of the Azure project now looks like following.


It is never a good idea to expose your back-end infrastructure directly to the web. Hence, we will implement an API Gateway that will hide the details of the backend from the web server layer. This sample implementation is quite rudimentary. You can enhance it later to include request throttling, authentication and other good features needed for a production implementation. We will use Azure API management. You can configure an API Management service through Azure portal UI for API management. In this case we will use a simpler approach to configure it directly from function app.

1. On the “function app” UI, scroll down in left navigation panel and click on “API Management” link. Select “create new”, click on “Link API”, select both get_tts_request and post_tts_request functions, copy the base URL of the API and click on create. Base URL will be like https://<your API management instance>.azure-api.net

2. This process creates an API with four operations — GET get_tts_request, POST get_tts_request, GET post_tts_request and POST post_tts_request.

3. Even though we could have used the APIs in this format itself, our design decision was to create a REST like interface where POST results in the creation of a resource and GET results in a query. Our goal is to expose an API with URL of format “https://<your API management instance>.azure-api.net/tts” for POST as well as GET.

4. Select GET get_tts_request operation and click on pen icon in front-end window.

5. Edit URL name to “tts” and URL to GET /tts. You can ignore other values. Click on “SAVE”.

6. Repeat this operation for “POST post_tts_request” operation. Edit URL name to “tts” and URL to POST /tts. Click on “SAVE”.

7. Now click on three “…” to the right of “POST get_tts_request” operation and select “DELETE” to delete this operation. Repeat this process for “GET post_tts_request” operation.

8. We are left with two operations — GET tts and POST tts.

9. Highlight “All operations”, click on “</>” icon in the inbound processing box. It opens a policy editor. Copy the content of policy.xml downloaded from the “API Management” folder of the source code repository. Ensure that the value of “backend-id” matches the name of your function app, and the values of GET and POST rewrite-uri templates match your function app functions. This policy implements CORS as well as a VERB based routing. Save the policy.

10. Azure API management is secured by subscription keys. Click on “subscriptions” in left navigation panel, add a new subscription with a scope of all APIs and save. Copy the primary key. While making any request, you must pass this key in the HTTP header variable “Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key”.

11. Earlier you copied the base URL of the API. Complete URL of the “tts” operation will be <BASE URL>/tts. Use Postman or some other HTTP test client to test both GET and POST operation. The URL used during this test will be used during next step as the API_ENDPOINT value.

Summary so far: We implemented an API abstraction layer using Azure API management. You can test this layer using postman or another client. As earlier, configuration has been externalized to environment variables and must be updated to suit your environment.


12. Let us create a serverless static web user interface.

a. Download webserver files index.html, styles_az.css, scripts_az.js

b. Edit scripts.js. Edit top two lines. Enter values of API_ENDPOINT and Ocp_Apim_Subscription_Key specific to your environment.

c. Access the storage account that you created earlier, click on “Storage explorer” in the left navigation panel, select “www-tts” BLOB container and upload all web files.

d. Once uploaded, highlight index.html and copy its URL.

Now we have all layers in place. Access public URL of index.html from a web browser window. You should see following user interface.

In the first text box, enter a string and click on “Say it” button. If everything works well, you will get a post ID.

Now enter the post ID or an asterisk “*” in second text box. Click on search. You should see a list of requests, corresponding status and, if processed, the URL of the audio file.


Please note that this code is not production ready. It was created to deliver a training program. Please ensure that your production code always implements best practices for security, logging, error handling and other requirements. If you are using a trial Azure account, please remember to remove public access from all resources or delete them.




My learning continues. As part of that process I trained myself and achieved certifications in Google, AWS and Azure. I love tennis and mountaineering.